Intentional Faith

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Compassion Spoken Here: HEALing Community Through Partnership

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

Interpreter Lea Rodriguez, assists HEALS, Inc. medical team in caring for the organization’s Spanish-speaking patients and families. From left, are Clinic Coordinator Amy Harrell, Nurse Practitioner Kayla Wilson, Rodriguez and Registered Nurse Hollie Terry.

Man thinks they are unemployable, but God says otherwise.

Matthew 19:26 says, “… With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Intentional Faith is claiming His Word, believing it and putting it into action.

Trusting Jesus and, through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit, the Huntsville non-profit is enacting a transformation in the community to provide productive employment for the poor, the illiterate, the mentally challenged and the downtrodden.

Society may deem it impossible, but IF staff, as embedded members of the community, identify and help individuals discover their God-given potential by connecting them to opportunities for spiritual, personal and professional growth, fulfilling their intent to equip, mentor and provide hope in Jesus’ name.

John 10:10 states, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Holding fast to that promise, IF team members walk beside those they serve, supporting their goals and dreams, cheering them on to reach their higher calling as individuals and servants in the community. They provide spiritual discipleship and connect them with relevant resources during the journey.

Community Ambassadors Yolanda Harris, left, and Tommy Harris, far right, flank Intentional Faith Executive Director Terry Roberts while sorting and packing food boxes for the hungry at Manna House.

IF Executive Director Terry Roberts said, “We link under-resourced individuals with service partners that need additional manpower to support their mission. Our corporate partners employ them as community ambassadors (CAs) at non-profits, and God’s plan progresses,”

He continued, “Individuals gain vital income and skills; they develop a work ethic, self-worth and the dignity that comes with the pride of a paycheck — and community organizations gain valuable employees who bless the community around them through their efforts. We call this a ‘circle of blessing,’ and it impacts all in its radius.”

IF drew Lea Rodriguez, the Hispanic community and HEALS, Inc. into that circle in 2018. It has since expanded exponentially.

In 2004, Lea moved to Huntsville with her husband. They were raising five children on a mechanic’s wage and money she made from babysitting.

IF met her in 2018, learned her story and facilitated a paid position as interpreter at HEALS which provides school-based medical, dental and optometry care to eligible economically-disadvantaged children. The new job was a financial boost for her family.

As interpreter, Lea fills in the gaps of understanding between provider and patient, ensuring doctors know patients’ symptoms and patients understand practitioners’ instructions.

Josafat Vergara-Macias and family are assisted by Interpreter Lea Rodriguez at HEALS, Inc.

She explained, “I translate and ask them to repeat doctors’ instructions to me to be sure they understand everything before they leave the clinic.”

HEALS’ Executive Director Heather Mason praised Lea, “Language barriers, especially when caring for kids, can be scary, but when someone speaks your language and can communicate with the parents and children, it creates a sense of security and understanding vital to improving health.”

“Lea is an integral part of the medical and optometry care we provide to kids living in poverty. Without her, we couldn’t provide care to children for whom English isn’t their first language. We’re so grateful for the partnership with Intentional Faith and the work that Lea does for us and our community,” she said.

After Lea’s hiring, HEALS saw an increase in Spanish-speaking patients. In 2019, IF was the catalyst in securing funds for Lea to attend classes for more specialized medical interpretation training. HEALS soon needed more hours from Lea to keep up with demand. Funds were tight( 80% of HEALS funding comes from donations and grants). IF stepped in and made a way to double her hours in 2022!

HEALS continues to see a rise in the numbers of their Spanish-speaking patients.

Kayla Wilson, CPNP-PC, noted, “Word of her services has spread! Without Lea, half of our patients would not have found us — they finally have access to services, and I feel we are providing equal care.”

Lea beamed, “Our patients recommend HEALS to their friends. When they hear that there is a translator, they come —and I like helping the Hispanic community.”

This is just one story of many. IF has many more.

CAs with mental disabilities assist in maintaining traffic flow during peak hours at Ability Plus; people who can barely read stock, check and disburse food to the hungry at Manna House; home-bound widows prepare Biblical materials for YouTube devotionals; victims of abuse design and stage displays of merchandise at A New Leash on Life Thrift Store; and the list goes on. In five years, IF has deployed over 135 individuals in paid work in non-profits. Imagine the impact the IF circle of blessing has had and the promise of abundant life it offers the neglected in the Huntsville area.