37 Miracles: Say Yes —Poolside Invalid Healed

Do you want to be well? No... do you REALLY want to be well? If you truly want to effect a significant change in your life, say "yes" to Jesus. He's extending his hand. Learn how Jesus brings one of His own to Him in this 18th miracle, as Joy and Terry go through the ins and outs of this remarkable event captured in John 5:1-15.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: Stay Humble — Demon-Possessed Mute is Healed

It is said that humility is power under control. A dose of humility might have been a good thing for the Pharisees in this miracle involving the demon-posessed mute. The Pharisees, vaunted leaders of all things spiritual in Biblical Israel, were way off base, and it spoke volumes about where their heart was. Don't be a Pharisee. Stay humble. This miracle is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew 9: 32-34.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: Are You Blind? — Blind Men Healed

Don't walk in darkness. Jesus is there for you and you only need to call on Him just as the men do in this miracle. If you acknowledge your spiritual blindness, place your faith in Him, you'll experience the wonders of freedom and light in your life. Get all the details with this deep dive into this account of the miracle recorded in Matthew 9:27-31.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: So, What's Your Story? — Demons Cast Out of Man

Believe in the power of YOUR OWN Jesus story to change lives. In this devotional by the IF Team, one changed man is told by Jesus to tell his story far and wide — and what a story it is. Learn about this oversized miracle — terribly interesting, never "boaring" —and assess the hefty impact you think it might have had on the hearers. Then consider how you can be a preacher of the Word too. Open your Bible to the text we used, Mark 5:1-20, or one of the other Gospels in which it's recorded, Matt 8:28-33 or Luke 8:26-39.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: Tempest as Teacher - Calmed Storm

Jesus slept peacefully while the storm raged, but the disciples were anxious. How could He sleep while their lives were imperiled? He was human and He was tired! But He heeded their cries for help, and He did so much more, giving meaning and value to the storm itself. Learn how our Saviour, once again, used circumstances at hand to draw out God's will and perfect plan for His people. This account is documented in Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25.

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37 Miracles: Love God. Love People. — Widow's Son Raised from Death

What will Jesus do next? —the crowd murmurs... Ever upsetting the apple cart of Jewish Law, in Nain, our Savior does something that is an absolute no-no — and in this few minutes of chaos, He defines His whole ministry. Showing true sympathy for a citizen, not only widowed, but now childless, the perfect Son, Himself, is at once "sacrilegious and a "religious mystery." Our 100th video is a fitting tribute to Jesus' purpose and Intentional Faith's ministry, "Love God. Love People." From the Gospel of Luke 7:11-17

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37 Miracles: Jesus Models No Fear — Sabbath Healing

No Fear! Jesus was about His father's business while the religious leaders plotted His undoing. Jesus came to write the law on our hearts, not fulfill the law, and, through their withered hearts, they could never understand His mission. The IF Team's latest devotional explains how Jesus uses the miracle of healing a withered hand on the Sabbath to expose their hypocrisy and offer us a fearless life worth living. This miracle is recorded in Matt 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11.

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37 Miracles: Leper Cleansed

Do you feel unworthy? Do you hesitate to call on Jesus from a place of shame? Our devotional about the seventh of Jesus recorded miracles explores who Jesus is and what he was sent to do — upend the status quo. Let him upend your status quo. Grab you Bible and turn to Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45 or Luke 5:12-14.

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37 Miracles: Bountiful Catch of Fish

"If you say so..." Ever say that to God? Yes, we are ordinary people and we think we know better, but if we humble ourselves and trust Him, we may be surprised at what he'll do in our lives. In this devotional, Joy and Terry detail how the power and presence of Jesus and a willing heart can bring about the miraculous. Follow the example of Simon Peter, Isaiah, Moses, so many others whom God called and behold your bountiful life-giving existence. Read along in Luke 5: 1-11.

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37 Miracles: Sick & Oppressed Healed in the Evening

Jesus was, and is, the Word — the communication of God. And when he speaks, the demons react. See how this evening that caps off a Miraculous Jesus day fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah, "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses.” This night of miracles is chronicled in Matthew 8: 16-17, Mark 1:32-34 and Luke 4: 40-41.

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37 Miracles: Healing of Peter's Mother-in-Law

Our omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God seeks out personal relationships with us. This simple story drawn in the Gospel of Luke details one such interaction. Let Joy and Terry paint this precious picture of Jesus for you in Intentional Faith's latest video about the fourth of Jesus' 37 Miracles as presented in Luke 4: 38-39.

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37 Miracles: Evil Spirit Driven Out

A crowd was gathered in the synagogue. "He spoke with authority," they said — and this was only the beginning. Let's dive into the details with Joy and Terry as they explore the unfolding scene where God reveals so much about His son. Open your Bible to Mark 1: 21-27 and Luke 4:31-36, and we'll get going!

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37 Miracles: Official's Son Healed in Capernaum

We explore the depths of who Jesus is through His miracles. He performed AT LEAST 37 of them, and this encounter not only tells us about Jesus, but divulges much about ourselves as well. Enjoy and learn as Joy and Terry shine a light on one more facet of our Saviour. Do you identify with the dad in this passage? Can you push the red button and trust? Open your Bible to John 4:43-54, and let's find out!

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