37 Miracles: Loose Your Bonds — Healing of Woman Crippled 18 Years

Another confrontation between Jesus and the leaders of the Synagogue— this time over Jesus' kindness to the long-suffering woman at the temple. Note how Jesus frees the woman from her pain, but the religious leaders still don't get it. They remain frozen in their chains. Learn the lesson of this miracle with Terry Roberts and Joy Martin, Intentional Faith's Devo Team.

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37 Miracles: Choose Wisely —Healing of Blind & Mute Demoniac

The atmosphere is thick with tension. Pharisees and temple-goers crowd round Jesus and the blind, mute demoniac. The actual healing of the subject is given one entire verse in this scripture reading, but verbal warfare ensues. Learn the critical teaching Jesus imparts during the altercation. Implications for our society and our personal salvation. Our Devo Team of Terry Roberts and Joy Martin walk you through it with a frank discussion tempered with compassion.

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37 Miracles: What's Your God Job? — Healing of Man Born Blind

Are you fulfilling your purpose? Jesus is always hiring! And He wants to show you YOUR path. Don't underestimate the impact you can make in your day-to-day activities. Learn how God called opened the blind man's eyes to his as Joy and Terry take you through this miracle of physical and spiritual blindness recorded in John 9: 1-12. Be warned — t's a bit of a cliffhanger, and we'll pick up the rest of the story next week. In the meantime, you can WIN COOL SWAG! Listen for the team's clues about our next devotional and guess correctly to ENTER OUR DRAWING. Email your answer to info@ifhsv.com OR reply in the comments here.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: Shortcut Unavailable — Blind Man at Bethsaida Healed

Jesus heals a blind man in a surprising manner in Mark 8:22-26. This miracle foreshadows a larger lesson His followers need to learn: there are no shortcuts to understanding Him. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." Enjoy Joy & Terry's look into Jesus' jaunt in Bethsaida as He keeps the disciples and onlookers on their toes!

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37 Miracles: When Faith Meets Persistence — Gentile Woman's Daughter Healed of Demon Possession

Dateline: Tyre, 28 A.D.

Jesus, Savior for the lost sheep of Israel, heals a GENTILE woman's daughter of demon possession. This encounter is remarkable and seems to show Jesus in a rather different light. But the woman's perseverance through faith is even more remarkable. Jesus is even astonished. Watch as Joy and Terry explore this miracle that is a sign for greater things to come! Scripture is Matt. 15: 21-28.

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Harriette MathewsComment
2022 Christmas Message: Behold! The Giver of Hope, Peace, Joy & Love

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Let the news ring out! The Saviour is born! And with him, Christ brought Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. This season of Advent, while you anticipate, expect and prepare to mark the occasion of our Lord's miraculous birth, praise Him for the path He has made for His people in the wilderness, one strewn with hope, peace, joy and love.

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Harriette MathewsComment
37 Miracles: Go and See! — 5,000 People Fed — with Leftovers...

"How many loaves have ye?" Jesus asked the disciples. They must have looked at each other, hoping someone had brought the bread.... "Go and see!" He beckoned. They found out that they had what they needed all along. In this 19th miracle of Jesus, we find that Jesus is doing more than erecting an outdoor restaurant. He's building leaders. Let Joy and Terry walk you through this miracle that's, remarkably, so much more than feeding 5,000 hungry people! By the way, what's in your larder? This scripture is recorded in the Gospel of Mark 6: 30-44.

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