Posts tagged compassion
37 Miracles: Loose Your Bonds — Healing of Woman Crippled 18 Years

Another confrontation between Jesus and the leaders of the Synagogue— this time over Jesus' kindness to the long-suffering woman at the temple. Note how Jesus frees the woman from her pain, but the religious leaders still don't get it. They remain frozen in their chains. Learn the lesson of this miracle with Terry Roberts and Joy Martin, Intentional Faith's Devo Team.

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37 Miracles: Shortcut Unavailable — Blind Man at Bethsaida Healed

Jesus heals a blind man in a surprising manner in Mark 8:22-26. This miracle foreshadows a larger lesson His followers need to learn: there are no shortcuts to understanding Him. "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." Enjoy Joy & Terry's look into Jesus' jaunt in Bethsaida as He keeps the disciples and onlookers on their toes!

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